
“Vaccine” is Graphene Nanotech

Jan 10, 2022 CORRECTION: La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) is controlled opposition. Here’s why. The video below doesn’t mention mRNA or the “Spike Protein” and leads us to believe that only graphene oxide is in the shots. Meanwhile we’ve seen that all the doctors and enlighteners from the “truther” … Read More

A Look at World Events Through Spiritual Eyes – They Plan To Change The Way You Live

By Cheryl Devine Tummalo [links and images added by CO] We read about ‘Spiritual Warfare’ often in the Word , but do we really believe it. Let’s look at what is taking place with ‘Spiritual Eyes’. I think you will find this intriguing to learn that the leaders of the … Read More

Genocide of Seniors Continues as FDA and CDC Recommend 3rd Booster Shot to Age Group with Highest Amount of Deaths following COVID-19 Shots

Originally posted by Brian Shilhavy on Health Impact News | Sept 24, 2021 Last Friday an FDA vaccine advisory committee voted 16 to 2 against authorizing a 3rd Pfizer COVID-19 “booster” shot. And yet inexplicably, they later took a second vote among the same committee members to authorize a 3rd Pfizer booster … Read More

LUDOVIC = COVIDLU | More Predictive Programming from I Pet Goat 2

Maybe you’ve seen this pointed out elsewhere but I hadn’t until today. This video creator found some interesting details in I Pet Goat 2, beginning with the character “Ludovic.” LUDOVIC = COVIDLU Notice that the serpent has completely invaded, (consumed?) replaced the mind of the fractured, sickly character. UL = … Read More

Hypnosis and Our Responsibility To Control What Goes Into Our Mind

My friend Lee Arne, a believer who was saved out of New Age practice and Alien Abduction, recently posted this warning about Christians and Regression Therapy: WHY HYPNOSIS IS NOT GOOD – Lee Arne – Hypnosis meaning Hyp- Meaning “under “or “beneath” Nosis ( as in Gnosis ) meaning … Read More

Cosby Freed Amidst Mass Humanocide (Stick a Magnet to Your Forehead and Get the Popcorn!)

They just don’t quit do they? (Pay no attention to that humanicide all around you.) In a classic misdirect, a celebrity sex offender has been freed! Aren’t you outraged?! Shouldn’t something be DONE?! Yes, it should, but rest assured nothing will be done that’s of any consequence. It’s just more … Read More

COVID Vaccine Will Contain “Chip” & Alter DNA!? (3 Videos)

 Many Fish – Link to article referred to in video: In this video, American Journalist Mark Segal announced on Fox News that the new vaccine WILL have CHIP embedded in it. BTW, if you go to YouTube to see this video from 7/15, they edited this segment out … Read More

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